Reiki Word and SymbolsWhat is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energetic healing.

It is a universal life force energy that is available to everyone. The practitioner’s body acts as a channel for the receiver bringing the needed healing to body, mind and heart.

There are many lineages of Reiki, and they all follow the fundamental teaching of using specific hand positions above specific points on the body for healing.

I am a certified Master Reiki Practitioner under the Usui lineage.

Reiki Sessions


* If none of the available appointment slots work for you, contact me HERE and we can find a time that works.

 or oor, Who is Reiki for, and what can it do?

Anyone can receive Reiki. 

It is for all ages, and all stages of life, sickness, and health. Many things in our lives can block our flow or knock us out of balance and off our feet. Illness, stress, worry, confusion, fear, anger, uncertainty, accidents, injury, anxiety, lack of sleep, or times of transition can cause disruption.

At these times our Life Force Energy gets diminished.

Reiki heals us, like a soothing balm. It works well on its own or alongside other mental and physical health and wellness approaches. Additionally it is used in hospitals, medical centers, and hospice.

For animals and for Nature

Animals, plants, and all things in Nature can receive treatment.

They benefit just as humans do, and for all the same reasons. It bathes the animal, plant, yard, field or forest in loving, relaxed, energy!

In fact all of us might get a Reiki treatment because it just feels so good. Reiki has much to offer the world and will bring much peace and wellness where it is needed.

Reiki can help:


  • Supports the well-being of people receiving traditional treatments such as: chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, dialysis
  • Chronic pain
  • Acute pain


Promotes and increases

  • Calm
  • Clarity and peace
  • Overall health and well being
  • Grounding and safety

Illness or health issues

  • Increases immunity and a healthy immune system
  • Digestive issues
  • Stress related illness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety


Accident or Surgery

  • Helps bone and tissue repair
  • Prepare for surgery, better healing outcomes

Experiencing my first Reiki session was a very opening experience. I could feel different shifts begin to happen that led to opening a space to receive more of the very energy I needed. I am grateful for Liz and her gifts. She is a pure gift.

Rachel USA

What does a session look like?

Reiki in person.

We talk briefly prior to receiving your treatment. For the treatment you lie down on a massage table. You may choose music or silence while lying comfortably. As I begin to give you Reiki, you will feel calm and relaxed, simply receiving the energy through the channel of my hands. There is minimal physical contact as I lay my hands over and occassionally on your body at different times. You remain fully clothed and are warm and secure.  It is common to feel fleeting sensations such as tingling, twitching, vibration, warmth, coolness, sleepiness.  A full session lasts 60 minutes.

Remote Reiki.

Remote Reiki works just the same as in person, except we are not together! Energy is not affected by time or distance and travels beautifully in a remote session. Prior to the session we meet on zoom for 10 minutes to see and meet each other and to share what you want to work on/need. Then we close the call. You are sitting or lying comfortably somewhere undisturbed and secure, in silence or with your own music. After 50 minutes I give you a phone call (you have set your phone on a quiet ring) and we close with a brief check in.