Table of Contents

  • How These Modalities Work
  • Root Causes And Healing
  • Issues And Beliefs
  • The Most Effective Feedback Loop
  • What It Takes
  • Mindfulness and compassion
  • Feeling Safe and Making a Commitment
  • Energetic Body’s
  • We Are All Connected- RTT, Flower Remedies, Reiki, And You

How These Three Modalities Work

These modalities work with you exactly where you are at, with what you are ready to have come up in the moment.

What wants healing will come up because we heal when we are ready to heal and that time is different for every person. There is no wrong place to start and you don’t have to know exactly what it is you want to work on.

Each modality works through its own unique process of guidance that is very client-led.

Each involves some dialogue between the practitioner and the client. A Flower Remedy Consultation has the most dialogue, and Reiki has the least.  An RTT Hypnosis session has a brief intake of dialogue, and then dives into the hypnotic state and an amazing journey into the subconscious mind.

RTT Hypnosis provides a Personal Transformation Recording for daily listening,   Flower Remedies provide a Personalized Mix bottle for daily dosage.  Reiki builds on itself each time you have a session. These, along with regular one on one Check-Ins over 28 days,  give active support to the client.  The effects magnify themselves and bring balance and perspective daily.  The most powerful support comes from combining modalities, which I offer in various bundles.

Root Causes And Healing

A root cause is what, where, and when an issue took hold, and then went on to dig deep into the depths, and eventually create symptoms.

Each modality addresses root causes and not symptoms.  Each modality supports the client in understanding the root cause of an issue, using both the thinking mind and the subconscious mind.  Once you turn the key and are opened to understand why something came to be you are now able to relieve the symptom of its duty.  Up steps freedom! Change! Expansion!

Each modality goes through very similar processes.  First, there is in depth and sequential assistance in stepping toward and finally gaining a deep and personal understanding of the root cause.  Then, they facilitate the release of what is ready to be let go.  Finally, they provide direct ongoing support to bring you back into balance, renew your habits, and align you with your true self.  This last process is very unique to each individual. Once you discover the why, you can begin to release gradually.  At this point, getting out of our own way is the critical factor.  And often easier said than done.  This is why each modality provides ongoing, strong interactive support for that process. Flower remedies are taken for 21 days.  RTT Hypnosis has a 28 day listening program.  While very client led, the practitioner provides various levels of support and guidance to the client during those weeks after the initial session.

Everyone is ready to heal and grow at different times, based on different needs.

I am ready for healing when I am sick and tired of the same old bad feelings.  When I see I am living way below my potential.  When the cycle I am in is degrading me.  Caught in stress response and poor habits is a hard cycle to break. You must be willing and curious to explore.  Have deep trust that your Higher Self, and your Higher Mind, is present and ready to step up to support you.  And you must find someone you resonate with to support you. Our souls are here to grow. Your growth and personal development is a noble path to take and it will lead you toward a more fulfilled, enriched, and aligned life; decreased anxiety and stress, more flow, joy, and intuition.  It is worth doing beyond all limitations of time, resources, or energetic inertia.

Issues And Beliefs

An issue is a familiar but problematic condition that doesn’t make you feel good or function at your highest ability.  Our actions, thoughts, and behaviors are often expressions of an underlying belief.  Old, irrelevant beliefs manifest into issues.  We are deep beings who carry so much within us- the good, the bad, and the ugly, we carry many untended issues.  A lifetime of issues. Life is messy. Change happens.  We all have to adjust.

Beliefs are the things that lead to thoughts, which drive behaviors and actions.   When beliefs are not aligned with our true nature and our personality, we get very out of balance. The human tendency to hold firm to old beliefs comes from honest  survival responses.  Each person developed their original beliefs out of some need to survive.  There comes a time when old outdated beliefs, like hardware, must be replaced. They are just out of date, old baggage, useless burdens.

There are many ways people experience the effect of sessions. I have heard it described as: gentle, profound, effective, amazing, supportive, like peeling an onion, opening, releasing, revealing, detoxifying, energizing, eye-opening, powerful, insightful, reassuring, subtle, affirming, resource providing.  The result is a nurturing of growth and development and a positive life-affirming feedback loop.

Most Effective Feedback Looping

RTT Hypnosis, Bach Flower Remedies, and Reiki are effective feedback loops for your whole body-mind-heart system.

A feedback loop is part of a system in which the output is used for input in future situations. There are at least four stages, and in an active session, we are working with stages 1-3.

  • stage one:  input is created
  • stage two: that input is captured and stored
  • stage three: the input is analyzed
  • Stage four; happens during the weeks following a session

stage four is an automatic process when understanding is gained and used to make decisions. This stage takes place during the 21 and 28 days following a session when the results begin to manifest, and the new, updated feedback loop begins.

The most effective feedback loop is one kept in balance through mindful attention and compassionate care to self, thoughts, and feelings.

After the input, storage, analysis, and decision-making with the effect of positive results, mindful attention with compassionate self-care allows for adjustments to be made to the system in order to maintain its effectiveness.

With mindful attention to our thoughts, emotions, and feelings we keep the positive feedback loop in check. We don’t run amok with toxic positivity nor into negative cyclical thinking and behavior. Instead, staying attentive brings balance and resourcefulness, and greater access to self-regulation on a daily basis.  Being a compassionate witness to yourself is the way toward a balanced Wisdom Body.  A balanced Wisdom Body cultivates discernment and intuition.  Every day of our lives, we are growing and evolving, so learning and applying a system that works is a great goal to have.

What It Takes

Feeling safe in your body, your mind, and your environment is key to health and well-being. 

Sadly, many of us are walking around feeling very unsafe in the territories of our beingness.  Our nervous systems are wired and overworked, unable to turn off and wind down. It is all too common.  A pandemic within itself.  Finding safety starts with feeling safe enough to express some of the emotions and thoughts within.   How long it takes to achieve your goal is not the important part.  What is important is to start moving toward it, no matter how small or large the steps. There is no time limit.  You move at your pace.  The sessions are yours, and you are fully in charge of how they progress. Making that decision to do work on yourself, to make a connection with yourself, is the essential step.

Committing to the work is critical. 

Commitment to action and some hard work are required.  Our mind loves what is familiar and is repelled by what is unfamiliar.  So to let go of that which you’ve held true for many years requires commitment. How do you know if you are committed?  You are sick and tired of your pain.  The burden of something is too great to hold anymore.  You have tried hard and feel discouraged but are not ready to give up.  You sense how something could be, even though it feels out of reach.  You believe in the possibility. You will do what it takes to reach your goals.  You will show up every day, no matter what.   You want  change.  Just showing up and beginning to name your issue is commitment.

Repair and growth is a process.  

Through persistence and reward,  the effective feedback loop of positive results occurs.  One positive result and the growth begins to be exponential.   Our beings are very much like Earth’s. We progress from the crust, subsoils, and mantle to the fiery core. Each part relates to and depends on the other.  Each is active in replacing old data and releasing symptoms.  This is what sets you on the path of true growth and expansion.

Like the earth, we are made up of energetic layers.

In the yogic tradition, we have 6 layers.  The Physical Body, the Energy Body, the Emotional Body, the Wisdom Body, the Bliss Body, and the Self.  The bodies work together and go in and out of balance as we learn and grow.  By getting familiar with the different qualities of each body, we learn how to care for them.  You, in conjunction with your work with RTT Hypnosis, Flower Remedies, and Reiki are working on different aspects of your many parts all at once.

We Are All Connected

RTT, Flower Remedies, Reiki, and you!  The synergy of each modality with your agency and higher self is what makes each of these such powerful and effective tools.

We are all connected with each other, and with our environment, and energy knows no boundaries.  Working closely with another person, being heard, seen, and validated allows for an enormous opportunity to change and grow.  The modalities I practice are used by both of us, together.  I support you through the session and for various lengths of time depending on your needs.  These modalities guide you in a direct and understandable way toward your goals.

RTT Hypnotherapy:

What you want to work on is the focus of the hypnosis session but it can often change as the session progresses.  We don’t always know what is going to come up. During the session, you discover and understand why you hold beliefs that no longer serve you.  Various methods help ignite and start the change you seek.  That which you seek is seeking you.  During a session, you engage and remain in a heightened state of focus and attention.  You are open to suggestions, and ways to change thoughts, sensations, behaviors, and beliefs.   A new feedback loop starts with new inputs and outputs. Everything you do feeds into that system in a rewarding way that benefits the entirety of you. The aftercare of a session involves mindful attention and practical maintenance. Often an issue will need subsequent sessions will be needed all in relation to where you are at in the process.

Flower Remedies:

A Bach Flower Consultation helps to shift and balance acute and chronic personal life challenges that end up affecting our well-being.  The remedies return the body, mind, and heart to balance.  Every condition creates an emotion.  Examples of conditions are fatigue, stress, anxiety, procrastination, fear, judgment, criticism, indecision, grief, loss, depression- the list goes on.  Life is filled with conditions. It is not the conditions that are the problem, but our emotional response to conditions that creates life out of balance, and not being aligned with our true nature.  This creates dissonance and this takes a toll on the body, especially if it has been going on for a long time.  In a Bach flower remedy consultation the client and practitioner go through a specialized discussion, the client refines and defines where they are struggling in the present time right now.  Through skilled dialogue and listening,  practitioners recommend a personal mix of up to 7 of the 38 remedies. This is based on what aligns with the client’s current state of mind or condition and is cross-checked with the client to confirm the accuracy and learn about the remedies.  Take for the next 28 days, and feel what it is like to be balanced and supported to return to your true state of health and being.  This generates a better feedback loop.


A Reiki session is based on any issues the client wants to receive support, clarity, and insight for.  The Universal life force originates from the universe and pulses through all living things.  It is drawn from the source through the practitioner and to the client.  Reiki stimulates the innate ability to heal.  Much like our world today, living things benefit from direct energy support in a challenging environment.  Experiencing deep, focused, specific energy is the ultimate relaxation and tension releaser. As sitting in the morning sun, or taking in the first of the morning light fills one’s whole body, mind, and heart system with a very unique energy, Reiki fills the system with Life Force.   Your body takes the energy and directs it exactly where it needs to go.  It is beneficial for stress, anxiety, pre-surgery, post-surgery, fatigue, uncertainty, and despair.  It floods the body with Life Force and supports tissues, organs, and systems.  It works very well along with other therapeutic work.  A client can receive a session sitting in a chair but preferably lying on a massage table, fully clothed and draped in a blanket.